Pond Dock Project

Pond Dock Project

The permits have been issued and as soon as materials arrive the two docks at the pond will be replaced. At this time the District anticipates work to begin during the last week of July or first week of August. Please exercise caution around this project and please stay off…

Piney Creek Reach #7 – Stream Reclamation Project

Piney Creek Reach #7 – Stream Reclamation Project

The Liverpool Metro District (LMD) Board and project sponsors Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA), Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD), and Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority (CCBWQA) are proud to announce the start of the Piney Creek Reach 7 Stream Reclamation Project! The project has begun with the…

Pond Restoration Project

Pond Restoration Project

The Liverpool Metropolitan District Board of Directors is planning to restore the 1.1 acres Greenfield Subdivision Pond beginning in 2014. The Greenfield Subdivision Pond was designed and built to have an average depth of 4.5 feet with a maximum depth of 6 feet. Over the years the pond has accumulated…