Open Letter to Liverpool Metropolitan District Residents

Dear Liverpool Metropolitan District Residents:

The Liverpool Metropolitan District owns and maintains the Piney Creek Open Space, including the concrete trails used by Greenfield residents and guests.

Lately, the District has noticed that some adjacent private property landscaping has encroached upon and impeded the concrete trail’s use – an impediment that creates a safety and liability hazard.

We ask that if your back or side yard abuts the Piney Creek Open Space concrete trail, please be sure to trim back your landscaping (i.e. overhanging tree branches, etc.) away from, and off of, District walkways and paths.

Also, please note that NO grass clippings or dumping are allowed on Open Space property. Residents found dumping grass clippings or other garbage in the Open Space may be subject to fines and/or prosecution.

Please help keep the Piney Creek Open Space clean and safe.

Thank you!

Liverpool Metropolitan District Board of Directors

Piney Creek Major Drainageway Plan and Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD)

The portion of the Piney Creek that flows through the boundaries of the Liverpool Metropolitan District is part of a broader 12-stream-mile study area of Piney involving the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, the City of Aurora, Douglas County, the Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA) and others.

The general purposes of this study and project are to create an updated hydrology and hydraulic model of Piney Creek in order to develop a preliminary design that will serve as a guide for future Capital Improvement Projects for mitigation of existing and potential drainage, erosion and sedimentation, water quality, and flood hazard problems within the watershed. It is anticipated that the recommended solutions will incorporate the views of residents, land owners, and developers in addition to those of the local sponsors. Besides hydraulic performance, solutions will consider maintenance, stream stability, and aesthetic value.

For more information on this project, including a timeline, map and draft of the latest Alternatives Analysis report please visit

The Liverpool Metropolitan District Board of Directors will continue to follow and update Greenfield Community residents on this project as it moves forward.

Piney Creek Open Space Mowing Decision

The Liverpool Metro District Board recently accepted the recommendation not to mow the majority of the Piney Creek Open Space area this year in order to reduce the damaging effects that mowing has on the Open Space’s natural grass ecosystem. For a more detailed explanation of the detrimental effects that mowing causes to open space please read the Open Space Mowing Decision (PDF).