Autumn Blaze Root Problem
Several maple trees in the Greenfield neighborhood are showing signs of stress.
Please see this article for more information: Autumn Blaze Root Problems
Several maple trees in the Greenfield neighborhood are showing signs of stress.
Please see this article for more information: Autumn Blaze Root Problems
The Liverpool Metro District dumpster day is scheduled for June 12th, from 8-11am or until dumpsters are full. Please help ensure you and your neighbor’s health by social distancing and wearing a mask when loading and unloading. Wood Chipper: Wood materials, tree limbs and old limber are allowed. No screws,…
Please save the date for the upcoming annual Dumpster Day hosted by the Liverpool Metropolitan District! Due to service availability, the date has been moved to June 18th from 9 am – 12 pm. Postcards will be sent with more information!
Dumping in the Piney Creek Open Space is not allowed. This includes grass and other landscape debris (leaves, tree limbs, etc.) as well as dumping of concrete, dirt, etc. The District is pleased to offer “Dumpster Days” in the spring. Please help keep this area beautiful!
House Bill 23-1105 was enacted May 24, 2023 by the Colorado Legislature concerning the creation of task forces to examine issues affecting certain HOA homeowners’ and metropolitan district homeowners’ rights. The Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force is created in the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Real Estate,…
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a vacancy currently exists on the Board ofDirectors of the Liverpool Metropolitan District (“District”). Any qualified, eligible electorof the District interested in filling such a vacancy and serving on the Board of Directorsshould file a Letter of Interest with the Board of Directors of the…
When: June 8, 2019Where: Open Space at S. Kirk and S. Jericho St.Time: 8-11 a.m. or UNTIL DUMPSTERS ARE FULL Dear Greenfield Resident,The Liverpool Metro District Dumpster Day is Saturday, June 8th. Items will NOT be accepted before 8am. Services provided: Wood chipper – wood materials, tree limbs and old lumber….